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Retseliney Luxury skin care

I've been using 10 days ago the Retseliney Luxury skin care products. And today I want to tell my opinion about Advantage Retinol Moisturizer. 
One of the things I like about this product is that No contains a fragrance. In the past I stopped using retinol cream because I don't tolerate the fragance also irritated my face. This cream is made with 97% natural ingredients and 71% of them organic, does not produce any allergic reaction and I am happy because I could incorporate into my routine Retinol. I should also mention this Moisturizer is non-greasy after application and is very easy to absorbs on skin.
It comes in a 1.7 ounce bottle with a pump press to have the exact amount to be used and prevent leaks or spills. In the days that I've been using Retseliney Advantage Luxury Moisturizer Retinol I can see my face skin more healthy brighten, also I noticed the pores have diminished. I apply twice daily and I'm really pleased with the results so today. 

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