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Mini Sponge Flexible Tripod,3-way stick with 1/4 Screw Octopus

This flexible mini Tripod for cameras or cell phones is very versatile and useful to take the best pictures. It has a stability and provides great support. You can grab on to tables, pipes, doors, bench, just about anything and this gives the opportunity to create more funny pictures at different angles is easy to adjust. It is smaller, is so handy than almost any other travel tripod, its lightweight and can fit inside your bag instead of having to be strapped by the hand or attached to the side as are conventional tripods. This Tripod include the Mini Sponge Tripod, Phone Clip, GoPro Camera Mount Adapter and great Bluetooth Remote Control easily connects to phone allowing take photos without having to rush to get in position to wait time-lapse photos. Ideal for family or group photos, extreme shots and perfect for trips. It's really nice flexible tripod.
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